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The Pint: A Pop Culture Podcast

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John and Lloyd

May 29, 2019

Sir Jon and Ganache, along with our trusty intern Shiva talk to Kurtis Spieler, local filmmaker specializing in Horror. We discuss his first two feature films and his upcoming third, as well as a whole slew of other subjects, from his feelings on the latest Halloween film and collector culture. Oh, and who the hell...

May 21, 2019

The Pint talk about their Free Comic Book Day adventures and review a few titles from the event. The latest classics being shown in theaters via Fathom Events are discussed as well as the newest book from one of Jon's favorite authors. We discuss our favorite Chewbacca moments in reflection of the recent loss of Peter...

May 15, 2019

The Pint gets down and discusses Avengers:Endgame. What did we like, what did we think didn't work and how does it stack up in the MCU pantheon. What moments caused Ganache to sob like a preschooler? When does Sir Jon suggest going to the bathroom during the film? Will The Manster stay awake through a movie....ever?...

May 7, 2019

Doug Paszkiewicz, creator of the truly twisted comic Arsenic Lullaby joins us for his 3rd appearence on the WESU radio show. We discuss his work process, his feelings on the comic industry and much more. What classic comic character has he been dying to work on? What current juggernaut blockbuster film truly let him...

May 1, 2019

Part 6 In A 6 Part Mini Series


Holy shit we got there! The final ep of our Comic Book Heroes And Villains series, with our choices for DC villains. Mark Masztal, founder of Bing Comic Con and a damned fine artist himself joins us to pick the best of the worst. Who's list is deemed as basic? Why all the talk about fart...