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The Pint: A Pop Culture Podcast

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John and Lloyd

Apr 25, 2018

With Avengers Infinity War coming out, The Jo(h)ns and Six Packer Chris go through each and every one of the 18 Marvel Cinematic Universe films to date. Can a haircut ruin true beauty? Which film is normally reviled yet loved by all 3 of us? Who uses the word insinuates incorrectly twice? OK, that last one was Ganache....

Apr 17, 2018

Dem Boyz are joined by Pint Six Pack member and creator of entertainment blog Arguing With Myself, Chris Frodel. The results of Russell Crowe's divorce auction are discussed, as well as the bizarre circumstances happening in Stan Lee's life right now. Wind River and A Quiet Place are reviewed and The Jo(h)ns...

Apr 10, 2018

The Pint invaded gaming convention TotalCon 32 in Massachusetts in late February and had a grand time. We met some really cool folks, played some great games and got some interviews to boot. Weeks later Sir Jon descended upon Wisconsin for his annual trip to Gary Con, another fantastic gaming show. This episode of The...

Apr 3, 2018

From the WESU archives. Joe and Rich of local Connecticut band The Blacksheep Collective sit in with Ganache and The Manster for an hour of live performances, a couple of tracks straight off of their new album and stories of band life. If you dig us, tell your friends about The Pint! If you dig the band, find out...