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The Pint: A Pop Culture Podcast

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John and Lloyd

Jan 24, 2018

Jon and John bounce around in a good ol' fashioned Pint. Sandman and the death of a series inspiration, Star Trek goodness on TV again and a local CT microbrewery that did not exactly live up to Sir Jon's expectations. Also if you dig the outro riff we have used since episode 1, we give you the whole song as a bonus!...

Jan 16, 2018

Lou Skywalker sits in with Sir Jon and Ganache as we talk to The Dizzle himself, Chad Davis of the great podcast Pass The Effin Popcorn in the WESU studios. Topics range from Chad's love for Saved By The Bell, the top ten films he saw in theaters in 2017 and what is coming up this year for him and his show. A New Year's...

Jan 10, 2018

Stargate. The Crying Game. Fantasy Football. Black Christmas. The Archive. The Foreigner. Mentions of Dicknado and the failed Wonder Woman pilot. Per usual, an extremely focused episode of The Pint. Oh, and The Manster sits in. Oh, and a little Stephen King talk and lusting over Carla Gugino. Oh and...just Listen In.

Jan 1, 2018

Dem Boyz decided to do a big show for their 30th. How about bringing The Manster and Lou back to discuss the latest Disney movie? No, we ain't talking cartoon mice or ducks, we mean Star Wars! Listen in as we yell and scream at each other over tactically improbable bombing runs, Yoda puppets, roasted Porg and much...