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The Pint: A Pop Culture Podcast

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John and Lloyd

May 31, 2022

Pint O' Horrors is dead

Long live House Of Horrors

Scary Larry has an old friend, his name is Victor Crowley. Let's go out to his house in the woods and say hi, ok?

May 26, 2022

We swing through Japan for a masterclass in filmmaking on the cheap! Is this even really a Horror film? Not really, but why not? Listen In to find out on this, your penultimate Pint O' Horrors!

May 14, 2022

Scary Lar-MAY Week 2!

- Telekinetic car parts

- Pizza with roadkill on it

- Just plain bizarreness all over

Listen In, it's Rubber and it's your 241st Pint!

May 6, 2022

Scary Lar-MAY starts now! Halloween in the Spring, as we close out Pint O' Horrors Season 2, all month long!

First stop, New Zealand. There seems to be a BLACK METAL problem.