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The Pint: A Pop Culture Podcast

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John and Lloyd

Sep 29, 2023

Depptember ends here, in the Z movie back alleys of 1950s Hollwood.

Bela Lugosi is and isn't dead, and Johnny Depp goes all in on this role.

See you next month for All Horror October

Sep 22, 2023

Depptember heads to Davy Jones's Locker! 

See you on the high seas for this swashbuckling adventure

It's Your 309th Pint!!!

Sep 16, 2023

Lloyd and Stew travel to Midwest America to find out WHAT exactly is eating one Mr. Gilbert Grape.

Depptember rolls into week 2.

Sep 10, 2023


Depptember sounds better.

Let's dig into Johnny Depp in a rare normal dude role who has been put in a bad situation by a very bad man as played by Christopher Walken.

It's Nick Of Time on your 307th Pint!