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The Pint: A Pop Culture Podcast

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John and Lloyd

Feb 26, 2021

Forgotten February ends with Butler's pick for this PMI. The guy who chose The Phantom Menace a year ago now goes even further back, to 1990 to be exact. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles live action debut is looked at and scrutinized here. Is it a well made adaptation of the comic and cartoon, or is it just stupid? Some of...

Feb 19, 2021

Forgotten February enters the back half, and we have Pat from Yet Another MCU Podcast on. It's a 100 Proof, so we are putting the COMICS back in Pint O' COMICS! 2015's Star Wars series from Marvel is focused on, but we also discuss our feelings on the franchise as a whole. Pint 176 is ready, so get to listening!

Feb 12, 2021

Triple T is rearing it's head during Forgotten February! Butler, who is on 90% of the Forgotten podcasts joins us to discuss Batman Fever.....I mean Continues. No wait, Forever! Jim Carrey is at his Jim  Carrey-est, Val Kilmer is snoozing and Nicole Kidman is horny for The Bat. Oh boy, it's the 175th Pint!

Feb 5, 2021

Forgotten February starts now! Mike Field of Forgotten Entertainment chooses his next PMI, and it is the George Lucas film American Graffiti. 1962 is the time, The Pint is the place! Let's go to the hop! Or not, up to you, but listen to your 174th Pint, ok?