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The Pint: A Pop Culture Podcast

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John and Lloyd

Sep 26, 2017

Hope you like the smooth sounds of Ganache's voice, cause there is more of him than usual here. John heads to Granite State Comic Con in New Hampshire while Jon stays home and watches reruns of Glee. Folks from Alterna Comics and Darby Pop Publishing are amongst the interviews on this episode, but don't fret Sir Jon...

Sep 19, 2017

Real life got in the way of recording this week, so we present another of our favorite episodes of The Pint Radio Hour. Rob and Christine Caprilozzi of Horror News Network and CT HorrorFest join us for a Galactus sized show and give us the lowdown on their ventures. John can't pronounce their last name to save his life...

Sep 12, 2017

G.I. Gary drops in to join us in our Fall/Winter Movie Preview. From animated bulls to Osiris Children, we tell you what looks good and what looks Geostorm, oh sorry, I meant horrible. Is Gary a Brony? Is Sir Jon thinking too much about Janet Reno? Why did John skip the trailer for LEGO Ninjago? None of these answers...

Sep 4, 2017

A special Labor Day gift to you all! The Pint a little earlier than normal in the week. Our Terrificon coverage continues here, as our in house interviews are featured. From big names such as Barry Kitson to up and comers like Source Point Press, we have an episode of often informative, sometimes funny and...