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The Pint: A Pop Culture Podcast

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John and Lloyd

Dec 25, 2023

The first episode of our new album review series, On The Record hits you on Santa's birthday!

Is it his birthday? It's Jesus' too right?

Whatever, enjoy your holiday and listen to us discuss some Weezer.

Dec 20, 2023

We dive into our first Bond film on the show.

Can we survive the thighs of Xenia Onatopp?

Listen In and find out!

Dec 16, 2023

Ack! Ack!

Ack! Ack!!! Ack!!!

It's Your 314th Ack! 

Dec 3, 2023

The Pint returns from a hiatus and end up on a desert planet in the middle of nowhere.

It's good to be back. Thank you all for your love and support in the hardest of times.

It's Your 313th Pint, Enjoy!!

Nov 23, 2023

Stew and John discuss the latest Eli Roth film and it's inventive kills, amongst other things.

Happy Thanksgiving 2023, please fill your bellies and be safe.

The Pint Loves Ya!